Workout of the Day

The Snowball


Just as a small snowball rolling down a hill can continually collect more snow as it goes and turn into a big and problematic snow boulder (see: the proverbial snowball effect), a small movement fault or restriction can lead to other problems and compensations and grow into a much larger problem. A tight ankle, for example, may not be all that problematic on its own. But a tight ankle could lead to hip muscles that won’t fire right, which can lead to knee pain, which leads to a compensational shift onto the other hip, which leads to impingement in the low back, etc.

Now, the purpose is not to scare you into idleness. That’s the last thing you should do! We all have imbalances to work on and room to improve our movement. But the importance of preventative work and a focus on developing proper positioning earlier rather than later on cannot be overstressed. When you stop the snowball in its tracks before it has the chance to roll further down the hill and become a bigger snowball, it’s easy to manage. Wait for it to grow into a snow behemoth, on the other hand, and you’ve got your work cut out for you.

There’s a reason we don’t let the little things slide. They matter, because little things are just big things that haven’t had the chance to grow yet.

- PS


  • Bent over barbell row - 3x8


  • With a partner…

  • AMRAP 5

    • P1: Max DB thrusters (50/35)

    • P2: Ring support hold

  • Rest 2 mins

  • AMRAP 5

    • P1: Max DB thrusters (50/35)

    • P2: Hollow body hold