Workout of the Day



Rest is a state of being, centered around an applied intention. A body can be at rest in the presence of movement as well as without movement. Today we will challenge your perception of rest by asking you to use your rest day to address flexibility. Your ability to increase capacity in fitness depends on it. The practice of “rest’ today will be defined by the intention you place behind movement rather than the absence of it.

Flexibility is defined as the ability of a muscle or muscle groups to lengthen passively through a range of motion. Without a generous degree of flexibility, a natural barrier exists in and around the movement we are seeking. Mobility is the ability of a joint to move actively through a range of motion. It is not only the muscles stretching over a joint but also how far the joint moves within the joint capsule. As humans seeking a higher level of physical capability, we require both flexibility and mobility.

Here is the good news, a ten-minute daily practice is all it will take to start seeing improvement immediately. Scheduling a full rest day is also important as it gives you time to focus a little less on sweating and more your ability to create build capacity through a specific range of motion.

Flexibility and mobility needs are different for everyone and eventually require more than a simple checklist to mark off. Most often one’s needs in this domain require assistance from a coach. We are glad to help, just register for office hours with us. Click here to make an appointment. We will happily put you on the right track for identifying areas that require attention and prescribing a plan to bring you improved ability.

See you out there. #developyourself







03302020 - Rest Day

  • Ashtanga with May

  • Accumulate 8 min in a deep squat

  • Complete the following intervals for 2min(ea)

    • hamstring/glute mobilization

    • :05 contract :10 relax

  • 90/90 stretch

    • 10 reps (:03 ea)

  • Spend 4min

    • Working mashing the spaces between ribs, on your back, on each side of the spine with a lacrosse ball
