Workout of the Day

Last workout for 2016


The end of the year is almost upon us, but we have one more final workout to do. Today is extra special though too...

Today is extra special though...

This video comes to us all the way from Turkey...GUESS WHO?

If you still haven't posted a video and you still have plenty of time. There are a few great examples of how to have a lot of fun with your training from this week. Remember to get your videos posted to the CrossFit No Boundaries Facebook page this weekend for your shot at $100.

-Lift Strong and Prosper

Today's Program

Warm- up

400m run
2min deadbugs
20 setups
20 calf raises

For time
400m walking lunges

4 mins couch stretch
2x1 sitting in 3rd world squat
Spend any additional time foam rolling quads, calf's and hammies