Workout of the Day

While the Iron is Hot


Sometimes the best time to do something is right away. I say this somewhat hypocritically, as I have probably a dozen lists of “laters” floating around in various notebooks and documents. Topics to research, exercises to learn, movement dysfunctions to address, movies to watch, books to read, practices to employ, etc. These lists have come in handy from time to time, but the reality is that putting something on a list to do “later” has, historically, meant that it never gets done. New items are added to the list at a far greater rate than they are checked off. And I know that I’m not alone in this.

The aphorism to “strike while the iron is hot” speaks clearly to the pursuit of physical improvement. We all likely have a list, whether literal or metaphorical, of things that we need to address in our physical practice (improve hip mobility, daily yoga, practice handstands), and we all likely see this list grow more than it shrinks. If we’re speaking to common human practice, things tend not to happen unless they happen right away. There are countless examples of the iron being hot: an injury, a mistake made in the execution of a movement, a medical diagnosis, a learning or training opportunity. The reality is that each of these situations opens the door up for our best chance to metaphorically strike and make a change. If your knee begins to chronically hurt because you heel strike when you run, don’t add “learn how to run better” to your list of things you’re going to get to later. The iron is hot: the issue is evident, pressing, and relevant when your knee begins to hurt, and it’s likely that it won’t be so in a few weeks. Strike.

- PS


  • Weighted ring dips - 3,3,3,3

  • 12 min AMRAP

    • 10 pull-ups

    • 20 pistols

    • 30 squats